Telecommunications Mobile Networks
3GPP Standards 2G to 5G
Consulting – Training –Teaching

TAMUM Consulting supplies:

   * Technical expertise and advice to telecommunications industry.

   * Analysis and evaluation of mobile networks technical and business proposals

   * Advice and training on 3GPP standards, spectrum and industry.

   * Courses to Universities, Grandes Ecoles and Industry on Mobile Networks (3GPP: GSM to LTE, 5G and Internet of Things)

    Member of ETSI and 3GPP

Contact us at:

   e-mail to:

   Or call +336 2762 4038

NEWS: TAMUM Consulting becomes member of ETSI and 3GPP .

Membership award at ETSI General Assembly 29/11/2016 by GA chairman Simon Hicks

TAMUM Consulting SARL is a French registered company, SIRET Number 528 221 906 00019